Entries by puneetk00

Exception Handling in Magento 2 Admin: Throwing and Handling Custom Exceptions during Configuration Save

  To throw an exception during the process of saving configuration in Magento 2 Admin, you can follow the below approach: phpCopy codeuse MagentoFrameworkExceptionLocalizedException; try { // Your configuration save logic here // If the configuration save is unsuccessful, throw an exception if (!$success) { throw new LocalizedException(__(‘Unable to save the configuration.’)); } // If […]

Macbook M2/M1 Photoshop Crack Version Free | Apple MacBook Air/Pro M1/M2 Photoshop Crack Version

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Magento 2 core connect select the row and rename field and also performed sum minus all conditions

 Certainly! Based on your requirements, here’s an updated code snippet that performs the sum and subtraction of two fields with conditions applied: phpCopy code$select = $adapter->select() ->from( [‘c’ => $tableName], [ ‘*’, ‘sum_field’ => new Zend_Db_Expr(‘c.qty + c.sale_qty’), ‘diff_field’ => new Zend_Db_Expr(‘c.qty – c.sale_qty’) ] ) ->where(‘c.qty > ?’, $qtyThreshold) // Apply a condition on […]

Magento 2 Tutorial For Beginners

 Magento 2 Tutorial for Beginners: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChb7DM9SspzrUVh4hnWL50A Introduction to Magento 2: Overview of Magento 2 and its features. Understanding the benefits of using Magento 2 for eCommerce development. Installation and Setup: Installing Magento 2 on your local development environment. Configuring the necessary server requirements. Setting up a database for Magento 2. Magento 2 Architecture: Understanding the […]

“Is it possible to enable the ‘Use Flat Catalog Category’ option on a per-store basis in Magento 2?

 “Is it possible to enable the ‘Use Flat Catalog Category’ option on a per-store basis in Magento 2? If not, what are the alternative approaches to optimize category performance for specific stores?” In Magento 2, it is not possible to enable the “Use Flat Catalog Category” option on a per-store basis. This option is a […]

Magento 2 what does checkout session replaceQuote?

 In Magento 2, the checkout/session object represents the customer’s session during the checkout process. It stores and manages various data related to the checkout, including the quote object. The quote object (MagentoQuoteModelQuote) represents the current state of the customer’s shopping cart. It contains information about the products added to the cart, their quantities, prices, applied […]

Magento 2 : How to get Shipping Methods for Specific Customer Group

 To get the available shipping methods for a specific customer group in Magento 2, you can follow these steps: Inject the necessary dependencies in your class constructor or method. You will need the following dependencies: phpCopy codeuse MagentoCustomerApiGroupRepositoryInterface; use MagentoQuoteApiShippingMethodManagementInterface; use MagentoQuoteModelQuoteAddressRateCollectorInterface; Create class properties for the injected dependencies: phpCopy codeprotected $groupRepository; protected $shippingMethodManagement; protected […]