Magento: Unraveling the E-Commerce Powerhouse – History, Versions, and 7 Reasons to Use It for Your Business


In the ever-evolving digital landscape, e-commerce has emerged as a driving force in the world of business. Among the various e-commerce platforms, Magento has stood out as a robust and flexible solution, empowering businesses to create and manage their online stores with ease. In this article, we delve into the history of Magento, explore its different versions, and present seven compelling reasons why your business should consider using this powerful platform.

  1. The History of Magento

Magento was founded in 2007 by Roy Rubin and Yoav Kutner, with the first public beta version released in August 2007. The platform quickly gained popularity due to its open-source nature, enabling developers to customize and extend its functionalities according to their specific requirements. Magento’s user-friendly interface and powerful features soon made it a preferred choice for small businesses, enterprises, and even multinational corporations.

  1. Versions of Magento

Over the years, Magento has gone through several major releases, each introducing new features and improvements. Here are some key versions of Magento:

  • Magento 1: This initial version provided a solid foundation for e-commerce businesses and quickly became the leading open-source e-commerce platform. It received regular updates and support until its end of life in June 2020.
  • Magento 2: Launched in 2015, Magento 2 was a significant step forward, addressing many of the limitations of its predecessor. It offered improved performance, scalability, and security. With a more intuitive admin interface and enhanced mobile responsiveness, Magento 2 became a preferred choice for businesses.
  1. 7 Reasons to Use Magento for Your Business

a. Flexibility and Customization: Magento’s open-source nature allows businesses to tailor their online stores to their specific needs. From personalized themes to third-party integrations, the platform offers limitless possibilities for customization.

b. Scalability: Whether you are a startup or an enterprise-level business, Magento scales effortlessly with your growth. It can handle thousands of products and a high volume of transactions without compromising on performance.

c. Robust Feature Set: Magento comes packed with a wide range of built-in features, such as advanced product catalog management, multiple payment gateways, SEO tools, and international support, empowering businesses to create a feature-rich online store.

d. Mobile Responsiveness: In today’s mobile-driven world, having a responsive website is crucial. Magento ensures that your online store looks and functions flawlessly across various devices, enhancing the user experience and increasing conversions.

e. SEO-Friendly: Magento is designed with search engine optimization (SEO) best practices in mind. Its clean code structure and SEO features enable better visibility in search engine results, driving organic traffic to your store.

f. Community and Support: With a large community of developers and users, Magento enjoys continuous updates, security patches, and extensive support resources. The community actively contributes to the platform’s growth and addresses issues promptly.

g. Integration Capabilities: Magento integrates seamlessly with numerous third-party applications, including payment gateways, shipping providers, and marketing tools. This makes it easier to streamline your business operations and enhance overall efficiency.


Magento has undoubtedly proven itself as a powerhouse in the e-commerce realm. Its history of continuous improvement, combined with the diverse range of features and customization options, makes it an ideal choice for businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re starting a new online venture or seeking to upgrade your existing e-commerce platform, Magento offers the tools and support necessary to succeed in today’s competitive digital landscape. Embrace the power of Magento and unlock the full potential of your e-commerce business.

module Mage::Sales

Module: Mage_Sales

Resource: sales_order


  • order
  • (SOAP V1)
  • salesOrderInfo (SOAP V2)

Allows you to retrieve the required order information.



Type Name Description
string sessionId Session ID
string orderIncrementId Order increment ID


Type Name Description
array result Array of salesOrderEntity

The salesOrderEntity content is as follows:

Type Name Description
string increment_id Increment ID
string parent_id Parent ID
string store_id Store ID
string created_at Date of creation
string updated_at Date of updating
string is_active Defines whether the order is active
string customer_id Customer ID
string tax_amount Tax amount
string shipping_amount Shipping amount
string discount_amount Discount amount
string subtotal Subtotal sum
string grand_total Grand total sum
string total_paid Total paid
string total_refunded Total refunded
string total_qty_ordered Total quantity ordered
string total_canceled Total canceled
string total_invoiced Total invoiced
string total_online_refunded Total online refunded
string total_offline_refunded Total offline refunded
string base_tax_amount Base tax amount
string base_shipping_amount Base shipping amount
string base_discount_amount Base discount amount
string base_subtotal Base subtotal
string base_grand_total Base grand total
string base_total_paid Base total paid
string base_total_refunded Base total refunded
string base_total_qty_ordered Base total quantity ordered
string base_total_canceled Base total canceled
string base_total_invoiced Base total invoiced
string base_total_online_refunded Base total online refunded
string base_total_offline_refunded Base total offline refunded
string billing_address_id Billing address ID
string billing_firstname First name in the billing address
string billing_lastname Last name in the billing address
string shipping_address_id Shipping address ID
string shipping_firstname First name in the shipping address
string shipping_lastname Last name in the shipping address
string billing_name Billing name
string shipping_name Shipping name
string store_to_base_rate Store to base rate
string store_to_order_rate Store to order rate
string base_to_global_rate Base to global rate
string base_to_order_rate Base to order rate
string weight Weight
string store_name Store name
string remote_ip Remote IP
string status Order status
string state Order state
string applied_rule_ids Applied rule IDs
string global_currency_code Global currency code
string base_currency_code Base currency code
string store_currency_code Store currency code
string order_currency_code Order currency code
string shipping_method Shipping method
string shipping_description Shipping description
string customer_email Email address of the customer
string customer_firstname Customer first name
string customer_lastname Customer last name
string quote_id Shopping cart ID
string is_virtual Defines whether the product is a virtual one
string customer_group_id Customer group ID
string customer_note_notify Customer notification
string customer_is_guest Defines whether the customer is a guest
string email_sent Defines whether the email notification is sent
string order_id Order ID
string gift_message_id Gift message ID
string gift_message Gift message
array shipping_address Array of salesOrderAddressEntity
array billing_address Array of salesOrderAddressEntity
array items Array of salesOrderItemEntity
array payment Array of salesOrderPaymentEntity
array status_history Array of salesOrderStatusHistoryEntity

The salesOrderAddressEntity content is as follows:

Type Name Description
string increment_id Increment ID
string parent_id Parent ID
string created_at Date of creation
string updated_at Date of updating
string is_active Defines whether the address is active
string address_type Address type
string firstname First name
string lastname Last name
string company Company name
string street Street name
string city City
string region Region
string postcode Post code
string country_id Country ID
string telephone Telephone number
string fax Fax number
string region_id Region ID
string address_id Address ID

The salesOrderItemEntity content is as follows:

Type Name Description
string item_id Item ID
string order_id Order ID
string quote_item_id Shopping cart item ID
string created_at Date of creation
string updated_at Date of updating
string product_id Product ID
string product_type Product type
string product_options Product options
string weight Weight
string is_virtual Defines whether the product is a virtual one
string sku Product SKU
string name Product name
string applied_rule_ids Applied rule IDs
string free_shipping Defines whether free shipping is applied
string is_qty_decimal Defines whether the items quantity is decimal
string no_discount Defines whether no discount is applied
string qty_canceled Items quantity canceled
string qty_invoiced Items quantity invoiced
string qty_ordered Items quantity ordered
string qty_refunded Items quantity refunded
string qty_shipped Items quantity shipped
string cost Cost
string price Price
string base_price Base price
string original_price Original price
string base_original_price Base original price
string tax_percent Tax percent
string tax_amount Tax amount
string base_tax_amount Base tax amount
string tax_invoiced Tax invoiced
string base_tax_invoiced Base tax invoiced
string discount_percent Discount percent
string discount_amount Discount amount
string base_discount_amount Base discount amount
string discount_invoiced Discount invoiced
string base_discount_invoiced Base discount invoiced
string amount_refunded Amount refunded
string base_amount_refunded Base amount refunded
string row_total Row total
string base_row_total Base row total
string row_invoiced Row invoiced
string base_row_invoiced Base row invoiced
string row_weight Row weight
string gift_message_id Gift message ID
string gift_message Gift message
string gift_message_available Defines whether the gift message is available
string base_tax_before_discount Base tax before discount
string tax_before_discount Tax before discount
string weee_tax_applied Applied fixed product tax
string weee_tax_applied_amount Applied fixed product tax amount
string weee_tax_applied_row_amount Applied fixed product tax row amount
string base_weee_tax_applied_amount Applied fixed product tax amount (in base currency)
string base_weee_tax_applied_row_amount Applied fixed product tax row amount (in base currency)
string weee_tax_disposition Fixed product tax disposition
string weee_tax_row_disposition Fixed product tax row disposition
string base_weee_tax_disposition Fixed product tax disposition (in base currency)
string base_weee_tax_row_disposition Fixed product tax row disposition (in base currency)

The salesOrderPaymentEntity content is as follows:

Type Name Description
string increment_id Increment ID
string parent_id Parent ID
string created_at Date of creation
string updated_at Date of updating
string is_active Active flag
string amount_ordered Amount ordered
string shipping_amount Shipping amount
string base_amount_ordered Base amount ordered
string base_shipping_amount Base shipping amount
string method Payment method
string po_number Purchase order number
string cc_type Credit card type
string cc_number_enc Credit card number
string cc_last4 Credit card last 4 digits
string cc_owner Credit card owner
string cc_exp_month Credit card expiration month
string cc_exp_year Credit card expiration year
string cc_ss_start_month Credit card start month (Switch/Solo)
string cc_ss_start_year Credit card start year (Switch/Solo)
string payment_id Payment ID

The salesOrderStatusHistoryEntity content is as follows:

Type Name Description
string increment_id Increment ID
string parent_id Parent ID
string created_at Date of creation
string updated_at Date of updating
string is_active Active flag
string is_customer_notified Defines whether the customer is notified
string status Order status
string comment Order comment


Request Example SOAP V1
$client = new SoapClient('http://magentohost/api/soap/?wsdl');

// If somestuff requires api authentification,
// then get a session token
$session = $client->login('apiUser', 'apiKey');

$result = $client->call($session, '', 'orderIncrementId');

// If you don't need the session anymore
Request Example SOAP V2
$proxy = new SoapClient('http://magentohost/api/v2_soap/?wsdl'); // TODO : change url
$sessionId = $proxy->login('apiUser', 'apiKey'); // TODO : change login and pwd if necessary

$result = $proxy->salesOrderInfo($sessionId, '200000006');
Request Example SOAP V2 (WS-I Compliance Mode)
$proxy = new SoapClient('http://magentohost/api/v2_soap/?wsdl'); 

$sessionId = $proxy->login((object)array('username' => 'apiUser', 'apiKey' => 'apiKey')); 
$result = $proxy->salesOrderInfo((object)array('sessionId' => $sessionId->result, 'orderIncrementId' => '200000006'));   
Response Example SOAP V1
  'state' => string 'new' (length=3)
  'status' => string 'pending' (length=7)
  'coupon_code' => null
  'protect_code' => string 'defe18' (length=6)
  'shipping_description' => string 'Flat Rate - Fixed' (length=17)
  'is_virtual' => string '0' (length=1)
  'store_id' => string '2' (length=1)
  'customer_id' => string '2' (length=1)
  'base_discount_amount' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
  'base_discount_canceled' => null
  'base_discount_invoiced' => null
  'base_discount_refunded' => null
  'base_grand_total' => string '619.9700' (length=8)
  'base_shipping_amount' => string '10.0000' (length=7)
  'base_shipping_canceled' => null
  'base_shipping_invoiced' => null
  'base_shipping_refunded' => null
  'base_shipping_tax_amount' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
  'base_shipping_tax_refunded' => null
  'base_subtotal' => string '609.9700' (length=8)
  'base_subtotal_canceled' => null
  'base_subtotal_invoiced' => null
  'base_subtotal_refunded' => null
  'base_tax_amount' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
  'base_tax_canceled' => null
  'base_tax_invoiced' => null
  'base_tax_refunded' => null
  'base_to_global_rate' => string '1.0000' (length=6)
  'base_to_order_rate' => string '1.0000' (length=6)
  'base_total_canceled' => null
  'base_total_invoiced' => null
  'base_total_invoiced_cost' => null
  'base_total_offline_refunded' => null
  'base_total_online_refunded' => null
  'base_total_paid' => null
  'base_total_qty_ordered' => null
  'base_total_refunded' => null
  'discount_amount' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
  'discount_canceled' => null
  'discount_invoiced' => null
  'discount_refunded' => null
  'grand_total' => string '619.9700' (length=8)
  'shipping_amount' => string '10.0000' (length=7)
  'shipping_canceled' => null
  'shipping_invoiced' => null
  'shipping_refunded' => null
  'shipping_tax_amount' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
  'shipping_tax_refunded' => null
  'store_to_base_rate' => string '1.0000' (length=6)
  'store_to_order_rate' => string '1.0000' (length=6)
  'subtotal' => string '609.9700' (length=8)
  'subtotal_canceled' => null
  'subtotal_invoiced' => null
  'subtotal_refunded' => null
  'tax_amount' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
  'tax_canceled' => null
  'tax_invoiced' => null
  'tax_refunded' => null
  'total_canceled' => null
  'total_invoiced' => null
  'total_offline_refunded' => null
  'total_online_refunded' => null
  'total_paid' => null
  'total_qty_ordered' => string '2.0000' (length=6)
  'total_refunded' => null
  'can_ship_partially' => null
  'can_ship_partially_item' => null
  'customer_is_guest' => string '0' (length=1)
  'customer_note_notify' => string '1' (length=1)
  'billing_address_id' => string '1' (length=1)
  'customer_group_id' => string '1' (length=1)
  'edit_increment' => null
  'email_sent' => string '1' (length=1)
  'forced_shipment_with_invoice' => null
  'payment_auth_expiration' => null
  'quote_address_id' => null
  'quote_id' => string '1' (length=1)
  'shipping_address_id' => string '2' (length=1)
  'adjustment_negative' => null
  'adjustment_positive' => null
  'base_adjustment_negative' => null
  'base_adjustment_positive' => null
  'base_shipping_discount_amount' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
  'base_subtotal_incl_tax' => string '609.9700' (length=8)
  'base_total_due' => null
  'payment_authorization_amount' => null
  'shipping_discount_amount' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
  'subtotal_incl_tax' => string '609.9700' (length=8)
  'total_due' => null
  'weight' => string '1.2000' (length=6)
  'customer_dob' => null
  'increment_id' => string '200000001' (length=9)
  'applied_rule_ids' => null
  'base_currency_code' => string 'USD' (length=3)
  'customer_email' => string '' (length=16)
  'customer_firstname' => string 'johny' (length=5)
  'customer_lastname' => string 'doe' (length=3)
  'customer_middlename' => null
  'customer_prefix' => null
  'customer_suffix' => null
  'customer_taxvat' => null
  'discount_description' => null
  'ext_customer_id' => null
  'ext_order_id' => null
  'global_currency_code' => string 'USD' (length=3)
  'hold_before_state' => null
  'hold_before_status' => null
  'order_currency_code' => string 'USD' (length=3)
  'original_increment_id' => null
  'relation_child_id' => null
  'relation_child_real_id' => null
  'relation_parent_id' => null
  'relation_parent_real_id' => null
  'remote_ip' => string '' (length=9)
  'shipping_method' => string 'flatrate_flatrate' (length=17)
  'store_currency_code' => string 'USD' (length=3)
  'store_name' => string 'website
English store
English' (length=29)
  'x_forwarded_for' => null
  'customer_note' => null
  'created_at' => string '2012-03-30 11:40:30' (length=19)
  'updated_at' => string '2012-03-30 11:40:32' (length=19)
  'total_item_count' => string '2' (length=1)
  'customer_gender' => null
  'hidden_tax_amount' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
  'base_hidden_tax_amount' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
  'shipping_hidden_tax_amount' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
  'base_shipping_hidden_tax_amnt' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
  'hidden_tax_invoiced' => null
  more elements...
Puneet Kumar Magento Developer