Creating Customized Order Confirmation Email Templates for Users and Store Owners in Magento 2


To create separate order confirmation email templates with different content for the user and store owner in Magento 2, you can follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Magento 2 admin panel.

  2. Navigate to Marketing > Communications > Email Templates.

  3. Click on the Add New Template button.

  4. In the Template Information section, choose the Template Subject for the email. For example, “Order Confirmation for User” or “Order Confirmation for Store Owner.”

  5. Select the Template Content section and choose the desired Template Type. For order confirmation emails, you can select “New Order Confirmation Template.”

  6. Enter a Template Name for easy identification. For example, “Order Confirmation User” or “Order Confirmation Store Owner.”

  7. In the Template Content field, customize the email content according to your requirements. You can use variables like {{var order.getCustomerName()}}, {{var order.increment_id}}, and other available variables to personalize the email content.

  8. If you want to create a separate template for the store owner, you can create another template following the same steps and customize the content specifically for them.

  9. After customizing the content for both templates, click on the Save Template button to save your changes.

  10. Next, go to Stores > Configuration.

  11. In the Configuration panel, expand the Sales section and click on Sales Emails.

  12. Expand the Order section, and under the Order Confirmation Email setting, select the appropriate template for both the “Order Confirmation Email Sender” and “Order Confirmation Email Template” options. Choose the user template for the customer-related fields and the store owner template for the store owner-related fields.

  13. Save the configuration.

With these steps, you have created separate order confirmation email templates with different content for the user and store owner in Magento 2. The customized templates will be used accordingly when sending order confirmation emails. Remember to test the email notifications to ensure that the templates are working as intended.

Note: The specific options and configurations may vary slightly depending on the version of Magento 2 you are using. It’s recommended to refer to the official Magento 2 documentation or consult with a Magento developer for more detailed guidance tailored to your specific version and customization needs.

Puneet Kumar Magento Developer
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