Entries by puneetk00

Let see how to remove shipping address and method from onepage checkout in magento

Let see how to remove shipping address and method from onepage checkout in magento    Go to: appcodecoreMageCheckoutBlock Onepage.php Change the code : public function getSteps() { $steps = array(); if (!$this->isCustomerLoggedIn()) { $steps[‘login’] = $this->getCheckout()->getStepData(‘login’); } //$stepCodes = array(‘billing’, ‘shipping’, ‘shipping_method’, ‘payment’, ‘review’); $stepCodes = array(‘billing’, ‘payment’, ‘review’); foreach ($stepCodes as $step) { $steps[$step] […]

mysql database insert query

mysql database insert query  <?phpset_time_limit(0);$dbconn = mysql_connect(‘localhost’,’username’,’password’);mysql_select_db(‘DBname’,$dbconn); $file = ‘hospital.sql’; if($fp = file_get_contents($file)) {  $var_array = explode(‘;’,$fp);  foreach($var_array as $value) {    mysql_query($value.’;’,$dbconn);  }}  ?> Puneet Kumar Magento Developer

this css font attachment method is so much use full this is supported all brouser like IE7,8,9,10 ,mozilla , Chrom, safary etc.

CSS ——————————————————————————– this css font attachment method is so much use full this is supported all brouser like IE7,8,9,10 ,mozilla , Chrom, safary etc. @font-face { font-family: Din-font; src: url(‘font.ttf’),      url(‘font.eot’); /* IE9+ */ } Puneet Kumar Magento Developer

Form in Magento

Hello All, Many of you who are working in Magento might have come accross the need to make custom form for getting user data. I am writing here an example to display form (with validation) for submitting basic info and send a mail on the email submitted. Suppose the from need to be displayed at […]