Entries by puneetk00

magento insert and update and delet and all querys

It is very easy to select, insert, delete and update the record in magento site. following functions are helpful in magento site for database queries. You can also use this function outside magento environment with the help pf include “Mage.php” file form “app” folder like. This is very simple to get data from database of […]

magento file uploading error http error

i analyses that media folder should me right-able i mean permission should be 7777 and other think is .htaccess permission ############################################## adjust memory limit #    php_value memory_limit 64M    php_value memory_limit 256M    php_value max_execution_time 18000 ###############R A V I ####################php_value upload_max_filesize 712Mphp_value post_max_size 712M php_value upload_max_filesize 712Mphp_value max_execution_time 2000php_value max_input_time 2000php_value memory_limit 512M###############P U N I […]

hot to get actual value when we have inc tax value and percent ?

Inc tax amount = 999 Tax  = 12.5% Actual value = x 1.       X+(12.5)/100 =999 2.       100x+12.5x/100 =999 3.       112.5x = 99900 4.       X = 99900/112.5 5.       X = 888 Your actual value = 888 Your tax = 999-888 = 111 Short  900*100/(12.5+100)=888 by ankit and abhay Puneet Kumar Magento Developer

module Mage::Sales

Module: Mage_Sales Resource: sales_order Aliases: order Method: sales_order.info (SOAP V1) salesOrderInfo (SOAP V2) Allows you to retrieve the required order information. Aliases: order.info Arguments: Type Name Description string sessionId Session ID string orderIncrementId Order increment ID Returns: Type Name Description array result Array of salesOrderEntity The salesOrderEntity content is as follows: Type Name Description string […]

magento create customer code

magento create customer  $customer = Mage::getModel(‘customer/customer’); $password = ‘test1234’; $email = ‘dtest@gmail.com’; $customer->setWebsiteId(Mage::app()->getWebsite()->getId()); $customer->loadByEmail($email); if(!$customer->getId()) { $groups = Mage::getResourceModel(‘customer/group_collection’)->getData(); $groupID = ‘3’; $customer->setData( ‘group_id’, $groupID ); $customer->setEmail($email); $customer->setFirstname(‘test’); $customer->setLastname(‘testing’); $customer->setPassword($password); $customer->setConfirmation(null); $customer->save(); echo $customer->getId(); } Puneet Kumar Magento Developer