yarn 00h00m00s 0/0: : ERROR: There are no scenarios; must have at least one.

The error message you encountered with Yarn stating “ERROR: There are no scenarios; must have at least one” suggests that there are no scenarios defined in your Yarn configuration. To resolve this issue, you can follow these steps:

  1. Check the Yarn configuration: Verify that your Yarn configuration file (usually yarn.yml or yarn.json) exists and is properly configured. Look for any sections related to scenarios or scenario definitions.
  2. Define a scenario: If you don’t have any scenarios defined in your configuration file, add at least one scenario. A scenario defines a specific set of conditions or steps for Yarn to follow. It can include inputs, commands, or other configuration parameters based on your requirements.
  3. Ensure correct syntax: Make sure the scenario definition in your configuration file follows the correct syntax and structure as specified in the Yarn documentation. Double-check for any typos or formatting errors that may be causing the error message.
  4. Save the changes: Save the updated configuration file once you have defined the scenario(s). Ensure that the file is saved in the correct location and that Yarn can access it.
  5. Run Yarn with the scenario: Execute the Yarn command that corresponds to the scenario you defined. For example, if you named your scenario “myScenario,” you might run yarn run myScenario. This will instruct Yarn to use the specified scenario for the current operation.
  6. Verify the outcome: Check if the error message is resolved and if Yarn behaves as expected with the defined scenario. Review the logs or any output provided by Yarn to ensure that the scenario is being recognized and executed correctly.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the error related to the absence of scenarios in Yarn and successfully utilize the defined scenarios for your project.

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